Schedule of Vue.js Hardcore training

Dec 2 - Dec 3, 2019
9:00 AM
5:00 PM

Vue.js Hardcore training

We have partnered with Hackages to provide this Vue.js HackCamp from December 2 to 3, 2019.

If you are looking into a progressive framework in JavaScript, discover the tools that VueJS can offer and build your first apps in only 2 days of training. Join our mentors to work in two challenges!

This hands-on training will provide you with in-depth knowledge of VueJS framework (version 2.5.17), including features such as the vue-cli, vue-router and vuex.

During the 2 days, you will work in a real video streaming application to fix bugs and add new features to make it run again to put intro practice all the theory that will be covered.

The challenge for the training:
Join a team of developers getting together to fix the VueJS application of HackFlix. HackFlix is a video streaming website serving 148 million users, whose evil competitor Hackazon Prime is trying to destroy.

Victor Bury & Anthony Antoine

Châteauform’ College – Le Studio
Bât 137, 10 avenue des arrimeurs
93210 La Plaine Saint-Denis (map)

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